We are honored to announce that CFI was nominated for and took home the second place Impact Award from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power in the category of Energy Efficiency thanks to a combined effort by CFI and Carlisle Energy Solutions. Our program was an upgrade to our refrigeration system where Carlisle installed two Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) to control six (6) 5-horsepower motors in two coolers at our LAX location, creating substantial energy savings. Our plan included:
- Installed an ECM (Electronic Commutated Motor) Controller on each of the (28) existing evaporators.
- In addition, installed a KE2 Drive Package (VFD) on (2) condensing units.
- We also retrofitted each of the existing evaporator standard motors in the cold rooms with (93) High Efficiency EC (Electric Commutated) Motors.
What’s a Variable Frequency Drive?
- Manufacturers will apply VFD’s to rotating equipment to reduce amperage spikes upon startup of large electric motors.
- Choosing the right VFD for an application will benefit rotating equipment by providing less wear on the electric motors where applied.
- Adjusting the acceleration and deceleration time of electric motors can extend the lifespan of an electric motor.
- Variable frequency drives provide the ability to control the frequency of starting and stopping of an AC electric motor.
- This ability allows an AC electric motor to only operate when needed for the equipment it’s rotating, and electric motors have a longer lifespan if they are only running when they need to be.
“By installing VFD’s to condensing units used in a refrigerated facility, the condenser fan electric motor speeds are reduced, and power costs can be reduced by 50% or more.”
Jason Park, World Wide Produce, courtesy of Carlisle Energy

According to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, “The program includes awards in five categories: Energy Management, Water Management, Electrification of Transportation (LADWP’s Charge Up L.A. Program), Renewable Power and Demand Response. The LADWP Key Accounts Section determines the top five customers in each category. The SAP awards, which were launched in 2016, quantify and acknowledge the positive results of large, non-residential LADWP customers for their commitment to environmental sustainability. These efforts in five distinct categories of Energy Management, Water Management, Electrification of Transportation, Renewable Power and Demand Curtailment address the Mayor’s Green New Deal goals and contribute directly to a Los Angeles that is environmentally healthy and economically prosperous.”
At CFI, we believe that it is our responsibility to be good stewards of our planet and to work to ensure we’re focused on the future. The drive to be energy efficient and constantly improving is a key part of our determination and success. It is no longer sufficient to ignore the ways we can improve our procedures while supporting the local and national initiatives that are being developed to protect our environment.
“Installing EC motors with Controls not only will reduce your kWh usage up to 50% due to the Heat Reduction, but you will see approximately a 40% in Noise Reduction!”
Ulises Urbina, Family Tree Produce, courtesy of Carlisle Energy

Chris Connell, Sr. Vice President, Perishables North America at CFI, shares his excitement at receiving this award. “There are two types of green… the rates we charge to help our grower/packer/shippers compete and how we as a collective community do our work with the least effect possible on the environment,” he says. “Using the resources we have smarter, is plain and simple good business. From conservation programs such as LADWP’s Charge up LA Program to KN’s SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) initiative, it’s all about taking multiple steps to a cleaner tomorrow.”
Announced this week, the Biden Administration has pledged to slash greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 in an effort to aggressively combat climate change. We believe that our infrastructure investments are not only climate-conscious but that we’re building more efficient, more cost-effective solutions for our clients while managing our impact on the planet.
Because we are in a constant battle with temperature as a perishables shipper, our strength comes through when we take on the tough quandaries of keeping frozen food cool and unripened fruit fresh – so applying that sensibility to developing eco-minded improvements helps us lead the pack.
Whether you want to improve the climate of the planet, learn more about sustainable farming and fishing, or just need to keep your perishable cargo at a consistent freshness to maximize the shelf life of products, CFI has solutions for your business. Learn more from your CFI representative today!